Are You Planning Total Detox Cleanse?

Total Detox Cleanse

You hear a lot about the supposed health benefits of a cleanse or detox, designed to eliminate toxins from your body. There are many claims about various detox regimens, which could be in the form of a fast, diet, drink, or powder.

Removing toxins has questionable benefits, including:

Boost Energy
• Weight loss
• Relief from constipation
• Resolved headaches, muscle aches, and fatigue

Sounds great, right? What you may not realize is that our bodies naturally detox! Our digestive tract, liver, kidneys, and skin are responsible for breaking down toxins for elimination through urine, stool, or sweat.

How does a detox work?

The theory behind Total Detox Cleanse is that, by eliminating solid foods or specific food groups, you are eliminating toxins, Patton says. “That supposedly gives your digestive system a break, allowing it to heal and better absorb nutrients in the future,” she explains.

Solid foods are often replaced with drinks like water with lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper; green tea; or freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Cleanses can last from a day to a month.

What are the pros and cons of detoxing?

Before you decide to cleanse and spend big bucks on a magic drink or pounds of freshly juiced fruits and vegetables, Patton says to be sure to weigh the benefits and drawbacks.


• You’ll benefit from increased intake of vitamins and minerals either naturally from juiced fruits and veggies or supplemented from drinks.
• It can help you identify food sensitivities by eliminating certain foods for several days, then gradually reintroducing potential trigger foods.


• These diets are low in calories, which will leave you with little energy to exercise and may disrupt your metabolic rate and blood glucose levels.
• You may experience gastrointestinal distress and frequent bowel movements.
• Detox diets are low in protein.

Whatever you decide, remember that your body is meant to detox itself. “A balanced diet of whole foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes is healthy for your entire body and won’t interfere with your ability to exercise,” she says.

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